Hope House opens in Casper

According to Dr. Diana Quealy-Berge, Casper’s newest Clean and Sober Living Community has completed renovation of our building.  The on site manager and first two residents have moved in and started their new lives.  We anticipate our next six will be ready to move in soon.   The Hope House is not a corporation or agency.  It is the shared vision of a small group of people who believe in the power of recovery.

We are in need of items for the apartments.  Please review the list below and if you have any of these in your homes you are not using, give us a call.  Thank you for your consideration.

Small Microwaves*
Flat and fitted sheets (twin)
Small kitchen dinettes (4)*
Lamps (table lamps/floor lamps)
End Tables *
Small Nightstands*
Medium sized chairs for living room*
Cooking utensils and silverware
Coffee makers*
Medium size frying pans
Sauce pans
Pot holders/kitchen towels
Can openers
Medium size Kitchen/bathroom trash cans*
Bath towels
Bath Mats
Consumables to get started: eggs, peanut butter, jelly, coffee, bisquick, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry soap, cleaning supplies, bathe soap, shampoo, dish soap

*priority need

Call Vicki at 307 247-2500 or Dave @ 307 262-9102 to arrange to drop off goods or for pick up


Janet de Vries

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