Teresa Wallace Lifetime Professional Service Award
This award is in memory of Teresa Wallace, LPC, LMFT (1960-2019) who worked with youth, special populations, and college students for 32 years, retiring as director of counseling at Casper College. She is best known for her work with resilience and positivity. She was the editor of WCA’s newsletter for many years and received the association’s Outstanding Service Award twice. Qualifications: This award recognizes individuals with more than 20 years of service to the counseling profession and held significant leadership roles in the profession, local community, and state.
Human Rights Award
This award was originated by Dr. Dave Capuzzi, past president of AACD (ACA) in 1986, and past member of the University of Wyoming, College of Education, Counselor Education Department faculty. Qualifications: The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution in the area of Human Rights and must be an active student or regular member in good standing in the WCA.
Richard Means Service Award
This award is on behalf of Richard “Dick” Means. Dick initiated guidance and counseling programs at the K-12 level in two state schools systems, was a high school counselor, and a counselor and director of testing services at Casper College for 30 years, from 1966 to 1996. It is established in recognition of his concern for the importance that counseling and other human service activities play in the role of the development of the child, as well as his participation and leadership in the WCA in varying capacities for five decades. Qualifications: The nominee must be actively involved in serving Wyoming youth at elementary, middle or junior high school levels. The nominee does not have to be a member of the WCA or any other professional counseling organization.
Garth Shanklin Exemplary Practices Award
The Wyoming Counseling Association, through its Garth Shanklin Exemplary Practices Award, recognizes agencies and programs which best exemplify the mission of WCA. By annually giving this award to an agency or program. WCA seeks to acknowledge the rendering of services or development of techniques and practices that have strengthened, expanded, enhanced, improved, and/or otherwise had demonstrable benefits in promoting the Mental Health Professions and Mental Health services in Wyoming.
Provide a narrative description of the program or agency which describes how this program or agency has contributed to the rendering of services or development of techniques and practices that have strengthened, expanded, enhanced, improved, and/or otherwise had demonstrable benefits in promoting the Mental Health professions in Wyoming. This narrative should not exceed 2 typed pages.
Letters from sponsors, which provide evidence of support for the nomination may also be submitted, but are not required. A sponsor letter should not exceed 2 typed pages.
Outstanding Service Award
This award has been continuously presented since its inception in 1961. Qualifications: The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution to the WCA. The nominee may be employee or doing graduate study in the areas of WCA affiliation, and the nominee must be an active student or regular member in good standing in the WCA.
J.R. MacNeel Award
This award has been presented in memory of Dr. J.R. MacNeel since 1966. Dr. MacNeel was the first Counselor Education Department Head at the University of Wyoming. Qualifications: The nominee may be a graduates student pursing an advanced degree in counseling or student personnel service at the University of Wyoming, may be an employee at the University of Wyoming within the Counselor Education Department or in a student personnel services capacity on campus, or may be an employee of the Wyoming State Department of Education serving in a capacity related to counseling, guidance or student personnel. The nominee must be an active student or regular member in good standing in the WCA.
F.L. Sievers Human Service Award
This award is presented in memory of Frank L. Sievers who continually provided leadership for professional organizations supporting and developing counselor education. Qualifications: the nominee must have made a significant contribution to the field of human services. The nominee does not have to be a member of WCA or any other counseling organization.
Bob Porter Service Award
This award is in memory of Robert Carroll Porter, who was a teacher, coach and secondary school counselor in Wyoming from 1946 to 1982. It is in recognition of his commitment to the youth of Wyoming and to his competent leadership in WCA and other professional activities. Qualifications: The nominee must be actively involved in serving Wyoming youth at the junior or senior high school level.
The WCA Awards Committee will review the nominations and select a winner.